Thursday, December 18, 2008


Okay, so catching up will have to be tomorrow. It's been crazy busy lately. I had my final in Critical Decisions in the History of the State of Israel today. It was hard, but could have been worse. I also had 3 other classes. In my Jewish Identity class we are discussing Judaism and sexuality. In my Arms Control class and Terrorism class we are discussing biological and cheminal warfare and terrorist access. We watched a National Geographic documentary, a BBC film about a mock dirty bomb attack in London and preperations for it (called "Dirty Bomb"), and when we learned about al-Queda, we watched The Hamburg Cell about the September 11 attacks and the indoctrination that takes place.

Tonight, we had our "farewelll" dinner/party for the Overseas Student Program. It was at an Indian restaurant, rated the best Indian food in Israel by the Jerusalem Post. It was good. It was also rather sad. I've only recently begun to realize that I am really going to miss many of the people in my program and that chances are, we won't all be seeing each other again. I hope we do though. It is just now starting to hit me how soon I leave Israel. There is still so much to do...

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