Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Potential Plans for Break #2

While I've been thinking about it off and on, I didn't really realize until today that my second break begins tomorrow with Yom Kippur. That said, I spent a decent amount of time today trying to figure it out. Below are some preliminary plans.

Yom Kippur - In Jerusalem with the Romm family (French Hill, Conservative Shul)

Shabbat - Move over to another family from the same shul who happen to be a friend's grandparents :-)

Saturday night - come back to Be'er Sheva

Sunday night - head up North to Tivon

Sunday night - Wednesday morning - stay in Tivon with a few people from my group at one of the guy's friend's home. We don't have anything definitive planned but have ideas like going hiking, to the beach at the Sea of the Galilee, going rapelling, ATVing, kayaking on the Jordan River, etc.

Wednesday - go to Rosh Hanikra - an awesome and beautiful place on the sea at the Northern border of Israel with Lebanon.

Wednesday evening - Friday morning - Tel-Aviv. We don't have any definitive plans. Ideas include the beach, Palmach Museum, Yitzhak Rabin Plaza, Israeli Independance funness, Markets, etc.

Friday - Sunday - come back to Be'er Sheva. Spend Shabbat in Be'er Sheva relaxing an catching up on emails and readings and such for class.

Sunday sometime - head to Jerusalem

Sunday sometime - Tuesday night - Spend time in Jerusalem to experience Sukkot and Simchat Torah in Jerusalem and maybe do some sight seeing - we don't really know yet...

So that's all we've got so far. It will hopefully shape up to be a fun experience.


Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up and stop eating a stop typing crap!!!!!jk

Anonymous said...
